I'm a developer of an ArcMap Add-In and I sign the Add-In with a valid certificate with the ESRISignAddIn.exe tool:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin\ESRISignAddIn.exe
In ArcMap 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2, The Add-In manager show that the Digital Signature is Authenticated, see next picture:
If I open the Add-In Manager in ArcMap 10.3, the same signed Add-in is invalid but that is not true.
What is here the problem? (see next picture)
This is a Known limit at 10.3:
Reason and workaround:
Checking or analysis of add-ins has gotten better at 10.3. Please resign the Add-in, or ask the Add-in owner/creator to resign.
Link of the bug:
BUG-000084721 - Add-ins with digital signatures created in ArcObje..
Where Can I find the ESRISignAddIn.exe tool for ArcGIS 10.3?
This tool is installed for ArcGIS 10.0 / 10.1 / 10.2 in this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin.
But for ArcGIS 10.3, I can not find the ESRISignAddIn.exe tool.
It is installed with AO sdk
Envoyé de mon iPod Touch
Le 2015-06-30 à 12:05, Harm Bruinsma <geonet@esri.com<mailto:geonet@esri.com>> a écrit :
GeoNet <http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/rAA/PDcDAA/t.1ob/w6zkNv_QQSWU1G2XUDA5uQ/h0/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5AEeIPykSY57g2VIWA8pAkF2-2BlveMrdQT1t2nJlEgcli>
Signing ArcMap add-In ArcMap 10.3
reply from Harm Bruinsma<http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/rAA/PDcDAA/t.1ob/w6zkNv_QQSWU1G2XUDA5uQ/h1/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5FPGnJVFkRWiTwawpIurEXanVj65DQjjehjC65GDPZPtBP0uOf06nr3fk6yb9JzjsQ-3D-3D> in Developers - View the full discussion<http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/rAA/PDcDAA/t.1ob/w6zkNv_QQSWU1G2XUDA5uQ/h2/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5BgYGKlxCJXzUFxsSjPkR7hg3XwtkanCF9EFBgIYGZtwi-2BXPkHKTs-2BVAqnVOIBuOULVJMUR7tBpvLzIuAk-2FDoVc-3D>