I have somewhat successfully converted my metadata programs from VBA to VB .Net. These programs create the metadata for a geodatabase that is constantly being rebuilt from scatch.
Unfortunately, when I run my converted programs in 10.3, I always have to "Upgrade my Metadata" once the metadata has been applied. After rebuilding once again, piece by piece, it seems that everything is okay until I use the SetPropertyX command. Once this is run, the 'Upgrade Metadata' box re-appears. Following in blue & red is a piece of my code:
Protected Sub Update_Metadata(Metadata_Location As String, pGxObject As ESRI.ArcGIS.Catalog.IGxObject)
Dim pMetadata As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IMetadata
pMetadata = pGxObject
Dim pPropertySet As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet
pPropertySet = pMetadata.Metadata
Dim pXmlPropertySet As ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IXmlPropertySet2
pXmlPropertySet = CType(pPropertySet, ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IXmlPropertySet2)
'Testing the update of metadata elements
pXmlPropertySet.SetPropertyX("idinfo/descript/abstract", "More testing...", ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.esriXmlPropertyType.esriXPTText,
ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.esriXmlSetPropertyAction.esriXSPAAddOrReplace, False)
Does anyone know of a way to set the metadata without it tripping the "Upgrade Metadata" box?
Thanks in advance for your help!