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06-15-2016 02:51 AM
Deactivated User

Hi, is there a possibility to use (or to install) the module linalg of scipy?

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Not alone,  but the code is here scipy/scipy/linalg at master · scipy/scipy · GitHub

What is it exactly do you need since the vast majority of the functionality in that module can be pulled from numpy which is already installed and in use for arcmap.  If you install arcgis pro then scipy is also available directly.

So what is you need exactly and I can simplify the route to take.

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Deactivated User

Hi, thanks for the answer. In my problem I have a large sparse linear system to solve, where the matrix is already implemented using scipy.sparse. However in my version of ArcGIS (License type: Advanced) the module for sparse linear solvers is not included. My solution now is to convert the matrix as a dense numpy matrix and use the tools in numpy.linalg. This is only a partial solution because when I'll need to solve bigger problem I really need the full scipy package.

PS Version

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MVP Emeritus

hmmm because I installed ArcGIS Pro ... even if you have no intention of using it

Dan demos in python 3.4
>>> import scipy.linalg as sl
>>> dir(sl)
>>> len(dir(sl))

here is an example on my system on one computer



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Deactivated User

Hi, I managed to install part of the sparse linear algebra with pip (C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.4\Scripts\pip).  Some packages are missed (lapack/blas related) but it works and for the moment I'm satisfied. Thanks again for the support.
Best regards

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