Hello.. I'm asking if ArcMap 10.2.2 has OLS tool, if so please let me know how to look for it in ArcMap. I couldn't find it.
Thanks a lot
I marked the other post as a dupe.
My apologies, but I do not know what OLS tools are. There may be others that are in the same situation, so it might be helpful to explain what they are, so others can maybe come up with help or alternatives.
Thanks a lot Rebecca for your response. OLS stands for Ordinary least squared. you can read about this tool here :Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
So is this what you are looking for?
I'm looking for the tool itself, not info about it.
version 10.3 and above check the version link at the top of the page
Hi Dan... Thanks a lot .Okay now I got it. You have to have minimum version 10.3 to get OLS tool. Is it possible to upgrade student version?
Okay, one more question, if I upgraded to version 10.3 or over, am I going to lose my old data? Do I need to uninstall my old Arcgis version?
Thanks a lot...
You shouldn't lose any data unless you are deleting the folder, but you may have to reconnect, that is, ArcCatalog may not automatically remember the connections, but they can be reestablished. If in doubt, make a copy to another drive or a thumbdrive for safe keeping (of the data)
connections should copy over too, but they should also be left from the install in the old folders, if not copied to the new.
edit: The edit program typically tells you to uninstall previous ArcGIs versions before installing a new one. All the ArcGIS software should be the same version (in case you have ArcGIS Server on the machine, for example)
That is great. Really appreciated..