I'm very new to both ArcGIS and vbscript, so any help is appreciated. I'm working on a label making script, and I really want to make helper functions to help process the logic involved. Can I write more functions inside the expression parser? If the parser won't accept multiple functions, is there a way to store these functions in another location and access them in my script?
Nit sure what your trying to accomplish but you can use multiple functions in label expression. See the python version below. vbscript shouldn't be much different
def FindLabel ( [OWNERNAME] ): lab = labelOther([OWNERNAME]) return lab def labelOther(x): return x
Using VBScript for multiple function as Wes stated can be done similarly to python. As to storing and reusing the vbscript functions I do not think vbscript has the availability of the "Include" statement like VBA. So you would have to develop a snippets library and cut/paste or develop your functions as a class object and run something like:
sub GetLib(Scriptname) dim oFile set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(Scriptname) 'File Script Object ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll() oFile.Close End Sub Function test1(xxx) dadfasdf end Function Function test2(xxxxx) .s;alkjdf;sdlkfj .... end function
Not worth it! May have to resort to python for your re-usablitly question
I am a VB guy..... and this is better suited for python and develop your reusable portions as a custom toolbox.
(I hate Python....much prefer VB but it seems we are in the minority now and development goes on.....)