I have a table in DB2, which is not a geodatabase. While I am trying to migrate the table in a Geodatabase (File or Oracle/ArcSDE), using Copy/Table to table (or even tried the append tool), one of the fields in the DB2 table does not come through. On checking I found that the ArcGIS identifies the data type of this field to be FID/Object ID in source. Any work around on how do I get this field migrated?
I'm not familiar with DB2, but a couple suggestions
What might help others in providing other options is it you include a sample of the data or at least a snapshot showing the first couple records. That may help understand what is happening.
by the way, I converted your post to a question. Is was posted as a discussion. You will get more views and responses to a question. Also, you may want to try https://community.esri.com/docs/DOC-2258?sr=search&searchId=5824e3a7-e6fa-4955-96c7-9b47c8077300&sea... to move the post to one of the others site like https://community.esri.com/groups/geodatabase?sr=search&searchId=16659b27-f369-423b-9576-19b94cab805... (I just "tagged" that site, so other will see it). For a look at other possible locations https://community.esri.com/docs/DOC-1544-geonet-community-structure?sr=search&searchId=7ff1bc2a-907d...