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Migrating tables from DB2

12-28-2016 10:40 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have a table in DB2, which is not a geodatabase. While I am trying to migrate the table in a Geodatabase (File or Oracle/ArcSDE), using Copy/Table to table (or even tried the append tool), one of the fields in the DB2 table does not come through. On checking I found that the ArcGIS identifies the data type of this field to be FID/Object ID in source. Any work around on how do I get this field migrated?

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

I'm not familiar with DB2, but a couple suggestions

  1. can you duplicate the field it is taking as the ObjectID? It may still use one of the fields as the ObjectID, but it might retain you field also.  (ObjectID will want unique values)
  2. can you export it to another format that you may have more import options?

What might help others in providing other options is it you include a sample of the data or at least a snapshot showing the first couple records.  That may help understand what is happening.

by the way, I converted your post to a question.  Is was posted as a discussion.  You will get more views and responses to a question.  Also, you may want to try‌  to move the post to one of the others site like‌  (I just "tagged" that site, so other will see it).   For a look at other possible locations

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