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Koop custom provider - /FeatureServer endpoint not working

01-02-2024 12:03 PM
Emerging Contributor

We are developing a Koop custom provider and plugin for CosmosDB.  We have a substantial amount of items stored in CosmosDB with latitude and longitude.  The provider is translating the CosmosDB item properties to JSON and serving them as a Geoservice.

Calls to /rest/services/FeatureServer/0/query are working.  Data is returned and the request finishes in 1-3 seconds, so we're happy with this performance.

The problem is when we try to add the URL as a new item in ArcGIS Portal.  We've deployed our Koop server instance to Azure as a docker container and running as an app service.  We can access it from anywhere on the web via Postman or a browser and it returns query results.  But the endpoint /FeatureServer fails.  It fails without any details in Portal.  For comparison we tried to add the URL for the built-in github provider that comes with the koop sample app.  This succeeds.  So my question is, what additional configuration is required when writing a custom provider to allow ArcGIS Portal to add it as an item?

One difference I have noticed between the built-in github provider and our custom CosmosDB provider, is that the github provider responds to calls to /FeatureServer and displays the service's JSON properties.  When I try to call our custom provider at /cosmosdb/rest/services/FeatureServer via Postman I get this response:

    "error": "invalid extent passed in metadata"
I didn't see anywhere in the Koop docs explaining how to configure the service's properties.  Is this explained anywhere?
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