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Issue with rest base service

09-01-2015 05:26 PM
Deactivated User

Hi Everyone,

I will appreciate a little help here, related to JSON issue. I am trying to use JSON as content type in a HTTP request for one of a Map service (WMS & WFS).

Problem Description: If I use content-type as application/JSON in my HTTP request headers for sewers and flood intersection REST services, it is returning HTML Content always ( JSON is expected ). Could you please update the REST services to accept application/JSON content type requests? (Sample URL)

Please test these with HTTP Post request ( With Content-type as application/JSON ).  I have tested with SOAP UI project, and it is returning unsupported content type format. Do I need to enable any configuration within my Map Service or ArcGIS Server ?

Can anyone please let me know as what can be the possible issue here. Please find attached screenshot for reference.



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