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Issue in Finding routes between locations in xamarin

07-01-2016 04:35 AM
Deactivated User

Hi All,

    I am facing issue with finding routes between two location in ARCGIS xamarin. I have tried the example . But in the example the URI used is

But i need to access the URI  which requires authenticated call.So i registered my App by referring the link :Implementing App Login | ArcGIS for Developers. and generated the Token  and tried :"<Token>&st... in Postman and is working fine, but not working in my App.

In the example the route task is fetched as follows:

    var routeSourceUri= new Uri(" ");

    var routeTask = await RouteTask.CreateAsync(routeSourceUri);

I tried appending the uri with token, but it is not working.

Can anyone suggest a workaround to get the routeTask in xamarin with token authentication.

Thanks in advance.

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