I am working on suggesting the potential sites for industries in a province.The process includes 18 layers. I am done with the MCDA results and maps. Now I want to design a web based application in which I can change the criteria (weights of different indicators) and can get the result as a map on web page. Is it possible using ArcGIS or any other way?
Yes you can! In the Web AppBuilder you can configure the Suitability Modeler widget—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS to use your own data. In Github there is a explanation of how you can do this: GitHub - Esri/weighted-raster-overlay-service-toolbox: Tools to help you setup a mosaic dataset to s...
Some additional info can be found in this blog: GeoPlanner for ArcGIS: Weighted Raster Overlay Service Toolbox | ArcGIS Blog