The following is the code, which I use to query the geodatabase.
if featureTable.hasGeometry {
let query = AGSQueryParameters()
let feature = featureTable.tableName
query.whereClause = "1=1"
featureTable.queryFeatures(with: query, completion: {(results: AGSFeatureQueryResult?, error: Error?) in
var result = results?.featureEnumerator().allObjects
for feature in result!{
graphic = self.createGraphicForFeature(feature: feature)
let featureLayer = AGSFeatureLayer(featureTable: featureTable)
completion(nil, graphic)
I get the following error whenever I try to query the features and also it takes a lot of time to render each of the features.
2017-07-17 15:02:29.209 AppName[10703:350316] ArcGIS Runtime Error Ocurred. Set a breakpoint on C++ exceptions to see the original callstack and context for this error: Error Domain=com.esri.arcgis.runtime.error Code=2 "Invalid argument" UserInfo={Additional Message=Null value., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Null value., NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid argument}
Appreciate your help.
Hey Abinesh, I was also facing the same issue. Please let me know if you get any update from ESRI or someone else.
Thanks in advance.