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How to arrange points by circle or by star?

02-01-2017 12:34 AM
Deactivated User

ArcGIS 10.1

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7 Replies
MVP Emeritus

could you elaborate?  

Do you want to sort those points by angle?

Do you want to move those points on to a circle?

What developmenet language (python etc)

Given those points, you may as well create new points that are on a circle if that indeed represents your attempt to create points on a circle.

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Deactivated User

I want like that

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MVP Emeritus

Since you marked it answered already...

def _circle(radius=100, clockwise=True, theta=1, rot=0.0, scale=1, xc=0.0, yc=0.0):
    """Produce a circle/ellipse depending on parameters.
    :  see
    if clockwise:
        angles = np.deg2rad(np.arange(180.0, -180.0-theta, step=-theta))
        angles = np.deg2rad(np.arange(-180.0, 180.0+theta, step=theta))
    x_s = radius*np.cos(angles)            # X values
    y_s = radius*np.sin(angles) * scale    # Y values
    pnts = np.c_[x_s, y_s]
    if rot != 0:
        rot_mat = rot_matrix(angle=rot)
        pnts = (, pnts.T)).T
    pnts = pnts + [xc, yc]
    return pnts

which can be used to generate points at a desired angular spacing, radius and center... for example

... c = _circle(radius=100, theta=15, xc=0, yc=0)
>>> c
array([[-100.000,  0.000],
       [-96.593,  25.882],
       [-86.603,  50.000],
       [-70.711,  70.711],
       [-50.000,  86.603],
       [-25.882,  96.593],
       [ 0.000,  100.000],
       [ 25.882,  96.593],
       [ 50.000,  86.603],
       [ 70.711,  70.711],
       [ 86.603,  50.000],
       [ 96.593,  25.882],
       [ 100.000,  0.000],
       [ 96.593, -25.882],
       [ 86.603, -50.000],
       [ 70.711, -70.711],
       [ 50.000, -86.603],
       [ 25.882, -96.593],
       [ 0.000, -100.000],
       [-25.882, -96.593],
       [-50.000, -86.603],
       [-70.711, -70.711],
       [-86.603, -50.000],
       [-96.593, -25.882],
       [-100.000, -0.000]])

see the github link for more information

Deactivated User

I marked accidentally.

Where I have to paste this code?

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

it is python... it is used as a function to generate the point coordinates as per your requirements.  The code generates one condition (ie circle center, radius and angular spacing of the values on the circle)

You would implement within a loop or similar collection structure to get all of them.

It is the foundation for the answer... I suspect you are looking for an already packaged solution.  You would be advised to specify what development environment you are using, what language you program in and where the results are going to go

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Deactivated User

I can't arrange it in simple steps?

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

It might be useful to move this thread to the developer environment you are working in since the 'Developer' place is far too general 

Hopefully this is for use within arcmap and not some other arc* software incarnation.

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