Hello, I am new to the .NET SDK for ArcGIS Pro and haven't found any documentation on this particular subject.
I have a workflow that requires me to remove a single Redo operation from the undo/redo stack. I have found the FindRedoOperations() and RemoveRedoOperation() in the SDK Documentation however I can't seem to figure out how to use them. Can someone please provide an example of how to use these two functions?
//Create Edit operation
var splitFeatures = new EditOperation() { };
//perform a split and execute
splitFeatures.Split(lyr, oid, geometry);
//Here I do some analysis on the split segment then I undo the split
<--Some extraneous code here-->
//Undo the split
//I would like to remove the option for the user to redo the undo on the split that I've implemented here.