Hi I am trying to publish a geoprocessing service.
I have a gdb file that is on a server that I am using as my worskpace, it contains a couple of tiffs to clip depending on a user drawn polygon.
arcpy.env.workspace = r'\\dacspreprodstorage.file.core.windows.net\preprodcontentstore\Jim\BSelect.gdb'
Once I publish my gp srvice it is unable to find this file, it fails as it doesnt find the features to clip.
How do I host this GDB on the server so my GP can access it, I assumed as it was on the server it would find it but maybe the path is different from there Im not sure.
Do I need to publish this GDB as a service? Will I then be able to set it as my workspace or will I have to change my code significantly? Can I just wack it in a datastore and have the server access it, this is kind of what I thought I had done but maybe my server cant see this storage area.
I have now published the gdb as a service
I have a rest URL.
If I want to clip the tiffs in there with a geoprocessor do I have to extract them first or can I just access them directly in the service? Bit confused as the docs for geodata services seem a bit slim compared to other areas.
I abandoned this method in the end, went on the server, adjusted all the paths that it changed at upload to point at a local copy of my gdb, bit hacky but it worked.