Hi, comunity
I ‘m using this statement in Arcade to calculate the X Coordinate:
var x = Round(Geometry($feature).X,6)
But, I have this error message.
Execution Error:Cannot create Geometry in this SpatialReference. Engine is using a different spatial reference.
My map have the Coordenate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 17S.
Help me, please
Would this possibly work for you?
var spatialRef = SpatialReference(32717);
var x = Round(Geometry($feature, spatialRef).X, 6);
I used your suggestion, but, I have the following error message:
Execution Error:Runtime Error: Function Not Found: SpatialReference
I am using ArcGIS Enterprise Standard version 10.8, Maybe it can be the cause of the error?.
My apologies, it seems I'm thinking of another function, I copied your setup into a map, and created a feature class point with the same spatial reference, I then added a point somewhere in Brazil and attempted to use the functions, I was able to get it working without issue. I was curious if you would be able to use these functions and see if everything lines up, specifically the spatial reference of the map itself along with the point class.
The arrow indicates the engine running, which is the correct spatial reference, and the highlights reveal the map and point spatial reference, please return with your results so we can figure this out further!
Hope that helps!
Hi Cody
Thank you for your support, but I still have the same error.
Execution Error:Runtime Error: Function Not Found: GetEnvironment
The GetEnvironment function has been used since version 1.23, and this version of Arcade has been used since version 11.2 of ArcGis Enterprise Server. I am working on version 10.8. 😢