Is there a way to get the Subtype Field name from the CIM Spec V3 for for a SubtypeGroupLayer?
I can see that given the json of a CIMSubtypeGroupLayer type, there will be a "subtypeLayers" property with an array of all the SubtypeGroupLayer's sublayer URIs. If I then look up those URIs I can see that those objects have a boolean "useSubtypeValue" property set to either true or false, and I can see that they have an integer "subtypeValue" property set to the subtype value for that layer, but I don't see any way to determine which field is the subtype field that corresponds to those values.
For example if I have a subtype attribute "Asset Type", with subtype's "1 - Type 1", "2 - Type 2", "3 - Type 3", and a SubtypeGroupLayer using the "Asset Type" subtypes, then the sublayers will have the properties "subtypeValue": 1, "subtypeValue" : 2, and "subtypeValue" : 3. But I don't see any way to know from the CIM that the subtype field is "assettype".