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Exporting GLOBALID

08-30-2018 12:23 AM
Regular Contributor

I am using Arcobjects and exporting feature class using FeatureClassTOGeodatabase tool. It would be grateful if any one can help me to know how i can export GlobalID using this  tool.


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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Checking the environment settings for arcmap/pro tools reveals that

Feature Class to Feature Class—Conversion toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop  supports global ids


Whereas this doesn't

Feature Class To Geodatabase—Conversion toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop 

Regular Contributor

Thanks for your suggestion. I will definitely give it a try. Is there a way  through which i can set environment  PreserverGlobalIDs to true using ArcObjects? I know we can do this using ArcPy.

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MVP Emeritus

preserving globalids can be set only for those tools that support it otherwise it has no affect.  I know of no approach to set something that isn't supported.  arcpy is just wrappers (largely) around arcobjects. 

If you have an arcpy example that demonstrates how you can set it or override it in FeatureClassToGeodatabase that would be interesting

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Regular Contributor

Thanks Dan I checked and feature class to feature class tool is working fine. Now my only worry how to set environment to preserve globalid through Arcobject code and how to do this for table also.If you have any idea please help.

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Regular Contributor

I basically need arcpy.env.preserveGlobalIds = True equivalent in arcobjects

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