- Description:
- Searched “bhutan” with api findAddressCandidates?SingleLine which returned an address with lat long.
- Now using same lat long found in above api response, fired api reverseGeocode to get address.
- ESRI returns error saying “Unable to find address for the specified location.”
- ESRI Call:
candidates": [
{ "address": "Kingdom of Bhutan",
"location": { "x": 90.499999161000517, "y": 27.499999510000464 },
"score": 100,
{ "City": "",
"Region": "",
"Country": "BTN",
"Postal": "" }
} ]
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.",
"details": [ "Unable to find address for the specified location." ] }