i'm trying to try out the drive area feature, and i am getting null features back. I'm using code from the sample on this:
code snippet:
// default value
double breakValue1 = 2.0, breakValue2 = 5.0, breakValue3 = 10.0;
ServiceAreaParameters sap = new ServiceAreaParameters();
NAFeaturesAsFeature nfaf = new NAFeaturesAsFeature();
// Convert point to EGS (decimal degrees)
Point p = (Point) GeometryEngine
.project(startLocation, wm, egs);
nfaf.addFeature(new Graphic(p, null));
// Set the service area output SR to our map service's SR
// Set the default break values with our entered values
sap.setDefaultBreaks(new Double[]{breakValue1, breakValue2,
// Create a new service area task pointing to an NAService
// (null credentials -> free service)
ServiceAreaTask sat = new ServiceAreaTask(mDriveAreaServiceURL, mCredentials);
// Solve the service area and retrieve the result.
ServiceAreaResult saResult = sat.solve(sap);
return saResult;