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Create an 'OR' equation in the 'relevant' field

11-24-2016 04:00 PM
Emerging Contributor

I need to prompt for a question based on 3 of 5 possible known results of a previous question else hide it.

How do I code an OR operator in 'relevant' ?

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3 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Is this for Survey123 or some other product?

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Emerging Contributor

Yes Survey123.

I’ve tried OR, commas, ‘if’ statements

This graphic is like what I want to do…..

Sorry, I’m new to the forum.

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Emerging Contributor

Looks like I found my answer. The code doesn't like uppercase OR. This worked....

${knock_result} = 'not_home' or ${knock_result}= 'not_interested' or ${knock_result} ='commercial_prop'


Thanks Darren.

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