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Convert FeatureClass to Shapefile API 10

02-23-2017 02:20 AM
Deactivated User

I am wanting to export a featureclass to a shapefile, similar to this: How to convert feature classes to shapefiles  

My only other requirement is to have column aliasnames exported too. Is the something I am missing?

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

alias's aren't saved with a shapefile as far as I know.  Try it in arcmap to see

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Honored Contributor

Dan_Patterson‌ is correct, shapefiles do not support alias names. However some folks have gotten around this issue namely in storing the alias within the host mxd file using the properties dialog or by incorporating "Metadata" which does have a field for alias and use programic means of reading meta files and returning the field's alias.  Either method is not pretty!