Hello, can anybody help with a python script that checks if cell A is connected to its neighboring cells and if it flooded then the cell connecting cells should be flooded too. I tried the code below but i cant seem to figure out how to in-cooperate my data into the script. My data include a DEM from which i will check inundated zone:
import heapq
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
def flood_fill(test_array, four_way=False):
input_array = np.copy(test_array)
input_rows, input_cols = input_array.shape
# Set h_max to a value larger than the array maximum to ensure
# that the while loop will terminate
h_max = np.max(input_array*2.0)
# Build mask of cells with data not on the edge of the image
# Use 3x3 square structuring element
inside_mask = ndimage.binary_erosion(
structure=ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2).astype(np.int))
# Initialize output array as max value test_array except edges
output_array = np.copy(input_array)
output_array[inside_mask] = h_max
# Build priority queue and place edge pixels into priority queue
# Last value is flag to indicate if cell is an edge cell
put = heapq.heappush
get = heapq.heappop
fill_heap = [
(output_array[t_row, t_col], int(t_row), int(t_col), True)
for t_row, t_col in np.transpose(np.where(edge_mask))]
def neighbors(row, col, four_way=False):
"""Return indices of adjacent cells"""
if four_way:
return [
(row - 1, col), (row, col + 1),
(row + 1, col), (row, col - 1)]
return [
(row - 1, col), (row - 1, col + 1),
(row, col + 1), (row + 1, col + 1),
(row + 1, col), (row + 1, col - 1),
(row, col - 1), (row - 1, col - 1)]
# Iterate until priority queue is empty
while True:
h_crt, t_row, t_col, edge_flag = get(fill_heap)
except IndexError:
for n_row, n_col in neighbors(t_row, t_col, four_way):
# Skip cell if outside array edges
if edge_flag:
if not inside_mask[n_row, n_col]:
except IndexError:
what constitutes flooded?
Maybe the code in this old post helps: https://community.esri.com/message/354091
Grief! forgot about Bill's avenue incarnation and its translation!
But i dont have the hard coded values every data is from the user
The value for nFloodMax in the script could be made variable as a parameter for the script or the tool that you create. See Understanding script tool parameters—Help | ArcGIS Desktop and Accessing parameters in a script tool—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
I have sea level rise scenarios, so if a cell is below the sea level it is flooded so i want to check if the other neighboring are connected to the flooded cell.