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Automating layer creation

06-12-2020 07:03 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

We are trying to build a digital trail system that includes an iOS app. Right now we are stuck on getting the trails data on our system the way we want. Here's our goal

  • We want to show the trails in a municipality using trail layer data the municipality has on Esri
  • The trails will be shown on a map on an iOS app
  • We want to be able to show each layer in a different color

We understand that a municipality could either have a layer for each of their trails or a layer with all their trails. If it is a layer with multiple trails we want to:

  • Split the data into individual trail layers (What we need help with)
  • Store each individual split layer on our ArcGIS content, saving the URL to the layer on our data base (What we need help with)
  • display the split layer in the iOS app using the URL on our DB and assign each a color
  • Periodically check for changes in the data and run the splitting again 

We are aware that this can be done with Python, however we would like for these steps to happen remotely on our deployed ASP.NET back-end app, . Of course if it is the case that the municipality have a layer per trail this is easier to work with. We want to be able handle both cases seamlessly, so regardless of what the original municipality data is like the iOS app displays the trails as individual trails. 

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