I created an extension that used to show in the extensions list of ArcMap. We upgraded some third party Control DLLs and now it does not show in the Extensions list. The DLL gets registered using ESRIRegasm. I can't believe upgrading these controls could have caused this problem, I cant figure this out.
what happens if you roll back? (if you can)
I am actually the one who asked the question, I was logged in under my boss's acct. We can't go back due to another product being upgraded as well. The funny thing is, the other product does not have this problem. So I am very confused.
Oh, and to add another wrinkle to it, it shows up when I am debugging. Just not installed. It registers with ESRI ok.
Turns out, By creating a new extension (with a new name) and replacing the code with the code I currently have has fixed the issue. I am not sure if there is something that was held onto in the registry but it is now resolved.