Hi All,
I am generating Terrain assets using the ArcGIS Unity package in Unity2020.3.3f1.
I could generate Terrain using the package but I couldn’t make the MapServer using ArcGIS online, only vector tilemap.
I want to implement our layer using geojson/geo package or web API like vector tile service and overlayed on generated 3D terrain.
Is this possible, or anyone done this before.
@Danknight101 The ArcGIS Maps SDK for Game Engines is a beta product, at the moment we are asking all questions be directed to the Esri Early Adopter community where we are monitoring feedback and providing updates. Please go to https://earlyadopter.esri.com/project/home.html?cap=0d5c8b23b5014f1da5e164c1e9d921f0 and log in there with your beta account and the team should provide any help they can. thanks.