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Arcade expression to insert a record into a related table?

09-21-2023 07:26 AM
Regular Contributor


I have been trying to figure out how to create an attribute rule to add a record in a related table based on certain criteria. I am not sure, since I am still learning quite a bit about arcade, how to go about it. I typically program in python, but I am trying to reduce the scripting that would be needed outside of a database when a simple attribute rule could accomplish a similar task.


// Function for defining whether or not a fieldname exists in another feature
function ValidateFieldNames( InputFieldsA, InputFieldsB ){
    var AFields = [ ]
    var BFields = [ ]
    for ( var i = 'name' in InputFieldsA ){
        return Push( AFields, InputFieldsA[ i ] )
    for ( var i = 'name' in InputFieldsB ){
        return Push( BFields, InputFieldsB[ i ] )
    for ( var Fieldname in BFields ){
        var FieldnameIndex = IndexOf( AFields, InputFieldsB[ Fieldname ] )
        if ( Includes( AFields, InputFieldsB[ Fieldname ] ) == False ){
            return Erase( AFields, FieldnameIndex )

// Current date
var CurrentYear = Year( Date( Now() ) )
// Inspection year and date
var InspectedYear = $feature.FieldYear
var InspectedDate = $feature.FieldDate
// Inspection record table
var InspectionRecords = FeatureSetByName( $datastore, "Featureclass", ['*'] )
Console( InspectionRecords )
// Get array of recorded inspection year and get only unique years in descending order
var RecordedDates = FeatureSetByName( $datastore, "Table", ['InspectionDate'] )
var RecordedYears = Max( Year( RecordedDates ) )

// Get the matching fieldnames that exist in both features
var InspectionRecordSchema = Schema( InspectionRecords ).fields
var MatchingFieldnames = ValidateFieldNames( InspectionRecords, $feature )

// Loop through the update items to create a concatenated text value of items
// to create a single text line of dictionary values
var UpdateItems = NULL
for ( var field in MatchingFieldnames ){
    var ConcatText = Concatenate( field, ' : ', $feature[ field ] )
    iif ( UpdateItems == NUll, UpdateItems == ConcatText, Concatenate( UpdateItems, ',', ConcatText ) )
var UpdateItems = Dictionary( UpdateItems )

// If the current inspection year in the inspected hydrant layer
// is not in the inspection records table. Then add the record to
// the inspection table
if ( CurrentYear == InspectedYear && InspectedYear >= RecordedYears ){
    return {
         'result' : InspectedDate,
         'edit': [
               'classname' : "Featureclass",
               'adds' : [
                   'objectID': $feature.ObjectID,
                   'attributes' :  UpdateItems


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated?

1 Reply
Regular Contributor

Never mind. I finally figured out a solution which works really well.

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