I am doing a raster calculation over a hdf file and after that i have to apply symbology on it.When i am applying Symbology to the raster layer through script .its values get changed as compared to the values i am geting when i am doing it manually . Symbology Type : Stretched
script i am using is as ...
Applying Script changes the topmost 3 values and changed it to the Min value ,Avg Value and Max Value , As Shown in Screen shot 1.. Max Value : 0.997 , Avg Value : 0.3985, Min Value :-0.2. In Screen shot 2 we can see the first three values are changed.
import arcpy from arcpy.sa import *env.workspace = "E:\data"arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") in_layer ="E:\data\filename.hdf" #raster calculation output= floatdivide(in_layer,10000) # applying symbology lyr ="output"symbolLyr = r"E:\data\Layer.lyr" arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(lyr, symbolLyr)
Screenshot for Process by Arcpy Script
Screenshot for Manual Process
ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management has an image showing what is dynamic and what to select if you don't want the range output altered. Have you experimented with different options if the current representation isn't to your liking?
I am Using Stretched Symbology for Raster but Output Color ramp is showing different values if done by arcpy
Same If i import a layer file manually to raster its color ramp have different values .
Manually process resulting into Color ramp according to my liking bur arcpy method give some different output.
I searched out in above link but no solution for so is listed.