I'm probably the last person left in the world trying to do this - I am looking to add simple read only mapping functionality to a Microsoft Access DB. I gave up on the Map control as it messes up with the licenses, but as I just need read only access, and the ability for the user to click a map object and hopefully return the object details back to access using VBA, and I am now trying the ArcReader control that doesn't need licensing. It needs pmf 'publisher' files, and I created a publisher file and data grouping that reads fine into my copy of arc-reader on my local machine. When I try to load the same file into the control, it won't load the file. I understand that there is an intermediate step required to modify the publisher file somehow to 'give' permission for the file to be read into activex controls like I am doing.
Can anyone direct me where I need to go to be able to do this? I think I read that I need some kind of developer SDK that allows the modification of publisher files to allow access through activex controls. No idea why this is so complicated. I am trying this with ver 10.5. Thanks for your help.
Are you needing this Publisher setting? or uncheck "Open in ArcReader only"