On my ArcGIS Online organization that is a developer subscription which I've had for almost a decade, I am no longer able to access my hosted feature layer items. "You do not have permissions to access this resource.". This seems to be blocked because the developer subscript doesn't have access to the Data Pipelines app. How can I fix this? I can't even get to the item pages for these to export my own data, nevermind use them in a private app for development.
Hi @JoeRogan ,
Thank you for reaching out. Data Pipelines should not impact your access to hosted feature layer items. Additionally, please note that Data Pipelines is not available for Developer Subscriptions.
Do you know when this issue started happening? And what error or message did you see that indicates it's related to the Data Pipelines app?
Could you please contact Esri Technical Support (http://esriurl.com/support) and report a bug? Please include information such as the answers to the questions above, and any additional information you can provide.
Thank you,