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Why sometimes geocoding returns all the records in the input file with a few unmatched records (Status=U) and other times the geocoded results have fewer records than the input file and there are no records with Status=U?

05-07-2015 07:09 AM
Deactivated User

I am using the Geocoding Tool in ArcMap in 10.3 to process files of 200,000 to 300,000 records at a time. Sometimes the geocoding tool returns all the records in the input file with a few unmatched records (Status=U) and other times the results have fewer records than the input file and there are no records with Status=U. Why?

Is there a way to request the system to return all records every time, even if some have Status=U?

Thank you


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

It should return everything with either a M, T or U.  Your resulting feature class will have as many points in it as matched (and/or tied depending if you count ties as matched) but you will have an attribute table that shows all that you tried to geocode.

Not sure why you'd get different results though.

That should just about do it....
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