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Which ArcGIS Desktop is relatively bug free? - using 10.6, but is 10.4?

04-10-2018 04:19 PM
Emerging Contributor

I can't get joined table information to display with the info tool and several other bugs that crash the system.

Which is the most recent ArcGIS Desktop version that is the most stable / recommended?

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Joined table... is it a geodatabase table to a featureclass table?  I have had no problems with this arrangement.

A lot of 'errors' are fixed with application profile resets and complete uninstalls and reinstalls if you have been patching/updating older versions over time.

 I like ArcGIS Pro ... some don't ... ArcMap 10.6, I have had no issues with... some have ...

It really depends on what you are doing whether you will have issues and can separate out software errors from user environments and data issues

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Emerging Contributor

I was a MapObjects developer for many years and getting back into it.  Fresh install with point feature class and attribute table in SQLExpress geodatabase.

Needs to be ArcMap I think for my applications, since will be using ArcObjects for desktop apps eventually.

I can usually find workarounds and fixes when it is user environment, data issues or when software being slightly temperamental. Seems like the toolbox functions for database work are shaky (at least with SQLExpress geodatabases) and I also had it crash a couple of times when doing spatial adjustments to maps.
I just can't waste a lot of time with simple things like joins not working correctly, so if I need to back up a couple of versions, I'd like to know which one is thoroughly proven.
Sorry so many words!
Anyone - please let me know what you think.
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MVP Emeritus

Frank... I was more wondering about the choice of ArcMap given Pro is the direction forward.

I work with local data only, but you might want to have a look at the database support in both environments,

This is for Pro

PS... I don't think going back a version or two is going to produce a more stable environment, given the questions that pop up on GeoNet.

But others with server etc experience may want to weigh in with their suggestions.

Good Luck

Emerging Contributor


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