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What method?

05-04-2014 04:41 PM
Deactivated User
I am looking for an automatic vectorization method to obtain the contours in 1/3000 of my objects. I ArcGIS 10.0 with extension ArcInfo.
My raster file (TIFF) is a forest base map where I want Polygonize objects classified as follows: forest, without forest and trail. The objective is to get a file .shp polygon contours of each object classification.
I tried several methods: by Spatial Analyst Raster to vector 'that gave nothing, partly because the file is too heavy. Another, using ArcScan but the contours of polygons are imprecise. And finally supervised classification using spectral signatures, which gives a more accurate result but after processing raster to vector via ArcScan the result is not terrible ...

Thank you for your help.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor
I believe Vectorization using ArcScan is one of the best method to convert Raster to Vector. There might be third party software.If it doesn't give good result, you have to stick to Digitization. I understand that digitizig contour is not an easy task. Contours can also be generated from SRTM data. However you have to compromise with the resolution, if you are using SRTM data.
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