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View in arcsde 10.1 Problem

08-31-2012 07:01 AM
Deactivated User
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I have created view by joining feature layer and 2-3 other table in arcade database using help from the view get created fine in both using tools sql sever 2008 and also in SDE.In sql sever it shows records and geometry but when it comes to arcgis it does not shows Table and geometry [ATTACH=CONFIG]17407[/ATTACH]
in arc desktop 10.1enter image description here,It shows only geometry in arc catalog but not table in preview table.Below is my code
SELECT SPE.[OBJECTID] ,SPE.[BaseId], SPE.[PlayId] , B.[BasinName], SP.[ShaleName], AGS.[AgeS  [Ref] , SPE.[Shape] , SPE.[Shape_STArea__], SPE.[Shape_STLength__]
    FROM [dbo].[Play] SPE inner join [dbo].[Base] B on SPE.[BaseId]=B.[OBJECTID]
        inner join [dbo].[shale] SP on SPE.[Shale]=SP.[OBJECTID]
        inner join [dbo].[Age] AGS on SPE.[AgeId]=AGS.[OBJECTID]
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