Does anyone have a best practice when it comes to dbms and versioning gdb's? I have done a considerable amount of research but there is so much info it is hard to get a clear cut direction on how to accomplish this. I have messed around with SQL Server and created a test db to connect to through my client computer but I still feel like I am missing something. Thanks in advance!
Anyone? Ultimately I want to be able to constantly update and version a gdb. It will be used to dynamically update a custom webapp among other things. I have SQL set up on our server with ArcServer. Any help is appreciated!
What is it you're asking? I've been using a versioned Sql database since version 8.3. Not sure if the practices that work best for me would work best for you. If you could be a little more specific, I might be able to give you a "been there, done that" sort of list...
Thanks. That is exactly what I am looking for. How to version a Sql gdb. I have Sql Server 2014 installed already.
Please provide the configuration details that you are using (ArcGIS Desktop version, DBMS, etc)
As Joe mentioned, you need to provide more information as to what you are looking for, before someone can provide you with valid information
ArcMap 10.2.2 and SQL Server 2014. What other information do you need?
Have you installed ArcGis Server and the SDE portion of it? My suggestion is to contact support. I cant walk you through a complete install while pecking on a tablet...
I have installed ArcGIS Server but not SDE. Was unclear if I needed SDE or not. Where does that get installed? On the server or my client machine?
Things have changed in 10.2 and I'm not on it. To my knowledge you'd need to install sde in order to version your sql db. It goes in A server; where is your call. I have server/sde on one machine and sql on another.
Take a look at:Best Practices ArcGIS 10.2 Workflow Manager Workspace in SQL Server | White Papers
SQL Server 2014 is not a supported DBMS version for 10.2.x:
Starting form 10.1, installation of ArcSDE is only required when you plan to use ArcSDE Command line tools or the Application Server Connection. So I don't think you need to install it for this.
I need to confirm something, as I am a bit confused.
Mathew Suran: Are you discussing about