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Version Changes Dialog

05-01-2014 11:01 AM
Deactivated User
ArcSDE 10.0 SP5
ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 SP5

Adding data to ArcMap from an ArcSDE edit version, clicking on "List by Source" in the ArcMap TOC, and then clicking on the "Version Changes" button shows me what edits have been made to the edit version compared with sde.Default.

If we have a policy that data in layer x also get copied to layer z, and if layer x shows one insert, but layer z does not show the insert, under what scenario would that happen?
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6 Replies
Deactivated User

How is the data getting copied to the other layer z?
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Deactivated User
It should be a copy/paste/save edits operation through ArcMap, no custom tools involved.
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Deactivated User
I should also add, the feature in layer x that should be copied to layer z, not only does not show in the version changes dialog, but that feature from layer x is not in layer z's table.

I'm trying to understand if this is possible when a user says they copied that feature from layer x into layer z.

It's not in either place from my perspective.  At this point, I'm tending to not believe the copy/paste operation happened at all.
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MVP Alum
Leo, is it possible that the user pasted a duplicate feature into layer X instead of setting layer Z as the target layer?  Maybe you already checked this and that's what you meant when you said it's not in either place from your perspective.  I would think that layer X would have shown 2 inserts if that were the case, but I just wanted to ask in case this might be the issue.  Do you have a way of checking layer X for a duplicate feature?
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Deactivated User
I will check again in the morning.Basically, there is 1 insert for zoning case, 1 insert for land use case, 1 insert for subdivion.  Layer z should have/show 3 inserts representing each of those features and it only shows 1 in the version changes dialog.Layer z is a new layer that catches all of the previous layers but we grant edit rights to the previous layers for now for making text changes, but the process is not always followed and features get added to those previous layers.I don't want to ruffle feathers if someone said they added those features to layer z, until I can show otherwide for sure.
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Deactivated User
Otherwide = otherwise.  Fat fingered keyboard on phone.
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