Hi Vice,
I agree but with an open discussion everyone are enable to solve same problem in a next time.
I have understood and solved the problem.
The user (owner of feature classes) that I have used to grant "Geoeditor" role to ADAM could not see correctly roles and users within privileges window within ArcMAP. In privileges windows within ArcMAP all users and roles was tagged as user (ex. Geoeditor role appear as user). It's probably a bug.
The user (owner of feature classes) was created with ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER like ADAM. At user (owner of feature classes) I had assigned CREATE SESSION, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE VIEW, CREATE TABLE.
I solved this problem by recreating the user (owner of feature classes) with Esri ArcGIS tool 'Create Database User'.
I think that create a user with "Create Database User" tool and create the same user with ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER is different for ArcGIS Desktop.
Giuseppe P.