/*remove the node in case there is no value yet in the database for the Allias name */ update sde.GDB_ITEMS set Definition.modify('delete(/DEFeatureClassInfo/AliasName)') /*Provide the ObjectId of the feature class - can be checked in properties ArcCatalog 10.1 */ WHERE ObjectId = 1218
/* Provide new alias name in the variable below */ DECLARE @AliasName VARCHAR(1024) = 'Area Committees' UPDATE sde.GDB_ITEMS SET Definition.modify('insert <AliasName>{sql:variable("@AliasName")}</AliasName> into(/DEFeatureClassInfo)[1]') /*Provide the ObjectId of the feature class - can be checked in properties ArcCatalog 10.1 */ WHERE OBJECTID=1218
I do this in python to update my publication date in the metadata when I truncate and fill a layer from our edit database to our main database. It works pretty well for me.
def UpdateMetadataPublicationDate(LayerToUpdate):
LayerToUpdate = string.split(LayerToUpdate,'\\')[-1]
sde = r'Database Connections\SDE.sde'
sde_conn = arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute(sde)
sql = '''USE GIS;DECLARE @now varchar(19) = convert(varchar(19),GETDATE(), 126);UPDATE GIS.sde.GDB_ITEMS SET Documentation.modify('replace value of (//metadata/dataIdInfo/idCitation/date/pubDate/text())[1] with sql:variable({0})') where Name = \'{1}\''''.format('\"@now\"',LayerToUpdate)