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Trace a Polyline to create a Polygon

06-08-2011 02:02 PM
Honored Contributor
I received DWG CAD Files for a large area. Huge subdivision.
I have converted the entire thing to a personal database, inside a dataset named after the subdivision.
In the Polyline Feature Class I have selected a parking lot. It is made up of Lines, Arcs and Polylines.
I have just the outline selected.
I then click on my WORK Personal Geodatabase, on the Polygon Feature Class called L_Footprint, I select the Template for Parking Lot Footprint, I click on TRACE.

As soon as I click on any of these lines I get a beep sounds and nothing.
I've rebooted, I've merged all the lines together, I've exploded them apart.
Nothing seems to allow me to trace this?!

I have ArcView so I can't run the Polyline to Polygon tool (wrong license).

Here's the kicker.
I just did this entire process without a flaw on THREE OTHER SUBDIVISIONS!

I'm in the middle of working up a solution for getting CAD Files into our system as quickly as possible. I figured out a basic workflow and started using it successfully.
Then suddenly... wham! Nothing works.
I have NO intention of manually tracing these lines.
There are over 70,000 of them.
No thank you.

Not being able to convert to Polygon is bad enough (shame on ESRI for making that an ArcEditor versus ArcView option!)... but not being able to work this is really frustrating me...

Anyone have any ideas?
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10 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I didn't see your scerenshots nor the steps to reproduce the problem.  I would be interested in seeing the problem.

Everyone should note that "trace" at 10 does not work at very large scales for obvious reasons. IE  you can't see what you are tracing and I also suspect it has more to do with the caches/builds referred to above.

I submitted the steps to ESRI. I can't put screenshots because it's licensed data. I was only tracing at a scale of 1:300 and I do not consider this to be large.

ESRI were able to reproduce the problem with my data. A simply solution would be to turn off one of my layers and then it don't occur but when I'm working I'm more interested in getting my digitising accurate than worrying about whether a layer has to be switched off at this precise moment or ArcMap will crash.

I personally think the issue relates to the fact ArcMap is trying to chose which line to trace, with them being close and it crashes because it gets swamped with the decision.

My work place doesn't have the resources to go on the ArcGIS 10.1 beta programme so I don't know if 10.1 would behave any better with this.

Kind regards
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