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table to excel

01-12-2018 02:43 AM
Emerging Contributor


is there a possibility to export different tables to the same excel-file?

with the tool "table to excel" the excel-file is overwriten when you try to export a different table into the same excel-file. Is there a possibility to save the new table in a new sheet of the same table?



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If you are using any database other than a GDB, you can open up MS Access, connect to the tables you wish and export easily to one excel file from any number of tables or views.....

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

With the standard tools available you will create a sheet in a Excel file and you won't be able to do this. If you have knowlegde of Python you can do this. See for instance: python - creating multiple excel worksheets using data in a pandas dataframe - Stack Overflow 

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you for your help, i will see if i can use one of these things.

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