Thank you so much for posting this! I have been pulling my hair out on this an other obscure replication issues for days. Full paths have no effect here.
I found the same error in our case. Same situation; SDE to FGDB, one-way replica.
The tool ran fine from Catalog, but gave me the 582 error when run from a script. I tried reversing the GDBs and it worked fine. For what it's worth, we are at arcsde 10.2.2, on an enterprise SQL 2012.
This seems to have solved the same error for us. We synchronize one-way from an SDE to GDB.
Like Adam, I could also run the tools from ArcMap without error, but got 000582-errors in my log when running the script as a Scheduled task.
Does anyone have any idea why this error occurs?
I tested the behavior using the python script sample from the following link and the synchronize changes operation completed successfully. Can you review your script in relation to the sample provided?
I am finding the same thing (ArcGIS 10.2.2, standard Python 2.7 install, Windows 7 64-bit computer but 32 bit Python interpreter). I have wasted days trying to figure out vague ERROR 000582 in both SynchronizeChanges and CreateReplica.
If I use the following line, in the interactive PythonWin window or in the ArcMap Python window, I get the error that follows:
arcpy.SynchronizeChanges_management(parentGDS, replicaName, outGDB, "FROM_GEODATABASE1_TO_2")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\", line 1286, in SynchronizeChanges
raise e
ExecuteError: ERROR 000582: Error occurred during execution.
If I change the order and use:
arcpy.SynchronizeChanges_management(outGDB, replicaName, parentGDS, "FROM_GEODATABASE2_TO_1") works successfully. It seems like a bug since the one way replica is from parent to child, but as long as I figured out the correct syntax, I can work around this issue.
Thank you so much for posting this! There is nowhere else to find out this hidden issue.