Using either of ArcMap 10.5.1 and ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1 I am trying to keep a Mosaic Dataset updated with the contents of a folder of NetCDF files - where new NetCDF files are constantly being added -- but "Synchronize" doesn't seem to be doing what I expect as it fails to add new items:"D:\OneDrive - NIWA\GISDATA\ArcGISPro_Projects\NetCDF_Synchronizing_CSM\NetCDFs.gdb\syncWithNoFilterNoDatafileExtension", r"Name LIKE '%nwpsfc\_2017%' ESCAPE '\'", "UPDATE_WITH_NEW_ITEMS", "SYNC_STALE", "UPDATE_CELL_SIZES", "UPDATE_BOUNDARY", "NO_OVERVIEWS", "NO_PYRAMIDS", "NO_STATISTICS", "NO_THUMBNAILS", "NO_ITEM_CACHE", "REBUILD_RASTER", "UPDATE_FIELDS", "CenterX;CenterY;Dimensions;GroupName;ProductName;Raster;Shape;StdTime;Tag;Variable;ZOrder", "UPDATE_EXISTING_ITEMS", "IGNORE_BROKEN_ITEMS", "OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ITEMS", "NO_REFRESH_INFO", "NO_STATISTICS")
Is it the fact that I'm dealing with NetCDF files in the synchronize process that makes it fail to update the Mosaic Dataset? Anyone else had this? Sounds like the above mentioned old thread is about the same or a similar issue - but from the description of the synchronize tool it can be used to "add new items" which is exactly what I need to do on a regular basis - but it fails. Using the manual "Add rasters" tool instead doesn't sound like a valid option? mosaicdataset netcdf synchronize
This is the output from one of my runs:
Start Time: Friday, 13 October 2017 1:26:17 p.m.
2017-10-13T13:26:18.275: Synchronizing items associated with raster type instance 'NetCDF' [ID: 1].
2017-10-13T13:26:18.297: Completed synchronization: 29 items selected, 0 items synchronized.
2017-10-13T13:26:18.308: Adding new data source items associated with the raster type instance 'NetCDF' [ID: 1] last used on 2017/10/13 13:19:18.127 (local).
2017-10-13T13:26:18.309: Loading raster datasets
2017-10-13T13:26:18.324: Completed crawling 0 data source items. Added 0 mosaic dataset items.
2017-10-13T13:26:18.326: Error: 8004205f: No new mosaic dataset item was added.
Thinking that it is the NetCDF file format which doesn't synchronize properly:
The next output is after adding some other (non-NetCDF based) rasters to the same Mosaic Dataset and running a synchronize with some more of those afterwards - as you can see the NetCDF sync fails with "Error: 8004205f: No new mosaic dataset item was added." but synchronizing the other rasters is successful.
Start Time: Fri Oct 13 15:26:46 2017
2017-10-13T15:26:46.101: Adding new data source items associated with the raster type instance 'NetCDF' [ID: 1] last used on 2017/10/13 14:39:54.022 (local).
2017-10-13T15:26:46.102: Loading raster datasets
2017-10-13T15:26:46.115: Completed crawling 0 data source items. Added 0 mosaic dataset items.
2017-10-13T15:26:46.117: Error: 8004205f: No new mosaic dataset item was added.
2017-10-13T15:26:46.118: Adding new data source items associated with the raster type instance 'Raster Dataset' [ID: 2] last used on 2017/10/13 15:10:06.575 (local).
2017-10-13T15:26:46.120: Loading raster datasets
2017-10-13T15:26:46.149: Completed crawling 25 data source items. Added 25 mosaic dataset items.
2017-10-13T15:26:46.150: Synchronizing crawled data source items
2017-10-13T15:26:46.158: Synchronizing items associated with raster type instance 'Raster Dataset' [ID: 2].
2017-10-13T15:26:48.083: Completed synchronization: 25 items selected, 25 items synchronized.
2017-10-13T15:26:48.084: Processing duplicate mosaic dataset items
2017-10-13T15:26:48.105: Removed 13 duplicate mosaic dataset items.
2017-10-13T15:26:48.109: Computing cell size levels
2017-10-13T15:26:48.110: Computing unique cell size values
2017-10-13T15:26:48.189: Computing maximum cell size values
2017-10-13T15:26:48.253: Updating maximum cell size values
2017-10-13T15:26:48.261: Computing minimum cell size values
2017-10-13T15:26:48.381: Updating visibility values of selected items
2017-10-13T15:26:48.400: Updating visibility values of selected items
2017-10-13T15:26:48.406: Computing maximum cell size for mosaic dataset
2017-10-13T15:26:48.458: Completed computing cell size ranges.
2017-10-13T15:26:48.515: Completed building boundary.
Succeeded at Fri Oct 13 15:26:48 2017 (Elapsed Time: 2.49 seconds)
Having similar-ish issues.
Any ideas?
arcpy.SynchronizeMosaicDataset_management(in_mosaic_dataset=r"😧\Work\BOM\workings\BOM_FTP.gdb\T_SFC_ArcMap", where_clause="", new_items="UPDATE_WITH_NEW_ITEMS", sync_only_stale="SYNC_STALE", update_cellsize_ranges="UPDATE_CELL_SIZES", update_boundary="UPDATE_BOUNDARY", update_overviews="UPDATE_OVERVIEWS", build_pyramids="NO_PYRAMIDS", calculate_statistics="CALCULATE_STATISTICS", build_thumbnails="NO_THUMBNAILS",build_item_cache="NO_ITEM_CACHE", rebuild_raster="REBUILD_RASTER", update_fields="UPDATE_FIELDS", fields_to_update="CenterX;CenterY;Dimensions;GroupName;ProductName;Raster;Shape;StdTime;Tag;Variable;ZOrder", existing_items="UPDATE_EXISTING_ITEMS", broken_items="REMOVE_BROKEN_ITEMS", skip_existing_items="SKIP_EXISTING_ITEMS", refresh_aggregate_info="NO_REFRESH_INFO", estimate_statistics="NO_STATISTICS") print('Finished syncing Mosaic Dataset') if __name__ =='__main__': main()