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Sliver Gaps Between Tiles in Mosaic Dataset

10-21-2010 10:13 AM
New Contributor
I am having trouble getting a good set of footprints generated for my mosaic dataset. The outer edges are generally good enough, but I occasionally get sliver gaps between tiles. I am running the Build Footprints tool with the Maintain Sheet Edges option selected, but it does not appear to work in all cases. Attached is a sample.

The outer edges of the imagery corridor is pretty complex since the source is a large set of tiles that were cut from a corridor mosaic made from highly overlapping photos at different angles. Maybe this complex footprint confuses the Maintain Sheet Edges option.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Reply
New Contributor

I run into this issue occasionally. Like you mentioned the Maintain Sheet Edges option is supposed to ensure that adjacent footprints aren't modified along their adjoining seams. In the mosaic dataset properties under the default tab be sure to turn on the option to clip mosaic to boundary, but turn off the clip mosaic to footprints option. This is an easy way to ensure that only the extent or outer boundary of your mosaic will be clipped and not the interior of your imagery. Hope this helps!

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