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SDSFIE Geodatabase & Excel .xlsx file Input: How to upload the data?

06-16-2014 11:27 AM
Deactivated User
Hi all,
I have a new empty geodatabase and an Excel .xlsx.file input file for upload it into the empty geodatabase-see the attached 2 files for details. This empty geodatabase is from USACE SDSFIE 3.1 Gold that is for the "EnvironmentalSampleLocation" Point format.  Please kindly help and tell me how I can upload the Excel .xlsx file into the empty geodatabase file>
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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4 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jborgion

Do you want the data as a table or as a point feature class?

Easy enough as a table: import it with the import table command

For a feature class, add the xls file to an ArcMap session; right click and choose Display XY data.  Export the xy event layer to the geodatabase as a point point feature.
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Hi all,
I have a new empty geodatabase and an Excel .xlsx.file input file for upload it into the empty geodatabase-see the attached 2 files for details. This empty geodatabase is from USACE SDSFIE 3.1 Gold that is for the "EnvironmentalSampleLocation" Point format.  Please kindly help and tell me how I can upload the Excel .xlsx file into the empty geodatabase file>
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang


I also have to load tables into Geodatabases quite often; I use the GISconnector for Excel to do it.

It is easy and fast and afterwards you can still edit your data from Excel.

Good luck!

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: ScottChang25

Hi Joe, Thanks for your nice response.

I am new in doing this kind of things and I need your detailed instructions to do the 2 ways of uploading the Excel .xlsx data into the empty SDSFIE geodatabase: (i) Where (in ArcMap or ArcCatalog) should I start doing "import it with the import table command? (ii) If I do the "Display XY data" in ArcMap, how can I be sure it is associted with the SDSFIE geodatabase I had?  Frankly speaking, I don't know what the fields of "EnvironmentalSampleLocation" are for!!??  I am confused now.  Please kindly help and give me more detailed instructions for (i) and (ii).

Many Thanks again,
Scott Chang
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus
Hi Joe, Thanks for your nice response.

I am new in doing this kind of things and I need your detailed instructions to do the 2 ways of uploading the Excel .xlsx data into the empty SDSFIE geodatabase: (i) Where (in ArcMap or ArcCatalog) should I start doing "import it with the import table command? (ii) If I do the "Display XY data" in ArcMap, how can I be sure it is associted with the SDSFIE geodatabase I had?  Frankly speaking, I don't know what the fields of "EnvironmentalSampleLocation" are for!!??  I am confused now.  Please kindly help and give me more detailed instructions for (i) and (ii).

Many Thanks again,
Scott Chang

You probably ought to get a little more familiar with what ArcGIS does, some basic nomenclature etc.  Here is the link to the version 10 online help;  Start with the essentials library.

Back to your questions:
i) In ArcCatalog, right click on your database and select Import.  Then select Table(single) and follow the dialog windows to navigate to your xlsx file.
ii) When you Display XY data, that's all you are doing; displaying it on your map.  You can create an actual feature class by right clicking on the 'XY Events' layer in the table of contents and selecting Data and then Export Data.  The dialog window allows you to navigate to a geodatabase of your choosing, and allows you to give the feature class a name.  The geodatabase should be created already; if not there is a little database icon with an asterisk on it that allows you to create a new filegeodatabase.

Finally-  I can't help you with what fields are are in the xlxs table, nor can I help you with what fields you need for your database. Those issues are up to you to resolve.
That should just about do it....
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