SDE Post Installation Fails

06-08-2011 02:31 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: tariqchpk75

I have installed Oracle 11 g R2 64 bit on Windows 2008 Server 64 bit on one machine

Then I installed Oracle 11g R2 64 bit client and ArcSDE 10 for Oracle 11g R2 on another Windows 2008 Server 64 bit on another machine

Now Oracle Client is successfully connecting to Oracle DB.

But when I try to perform ArcSDE Post Installation to create ArcSDE Schema/tablespace, User and Service and authorize it i am facing ArcSDE Post Installation error -1:0, plz see the diagram as well.

I am using the same Oracle DB instance/netservice for SDE as that of oracle client.

If this error is because of Oracle Client that is it should 32 bit instead of 64 bit for ArcSDE or something else is wrong?
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18 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Did you install 32-bit ArcSDE or 64-bit ArcSDE?   What do the error logs contain?

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: tariqchpk75

Its ArcSDE 10 64 bit, however there is no error log entry for ArcSDE
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
I believe you need to do manual installation in a remote server configuration.  I always
use manual install.  The documentation has the details of what is necessary.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: tariqchpk75

Thanks for you replies.

I can connect to oracle server db from the client as sys user as sysdba or with any valid db user and can execute all the sql commands as well.

I have tried to follow steps as per the document you specified, but it provides wizard based configuration and it stops at sde table space and sde user creation process and unfortunately without generating any error log.

Can you plz give me step by step manual commands to create/configure sde environment and sde authorization?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Look again at the link "Creating an ArcSDE service from a remote Windows server".  It starts out:

If your database management system (DBMS) is installed on one server and ArcSDE is installed on a separate Windows server, you cannot run the ArcSDE Post Installation wizard to create the service. Instead, you must use the sdeservice command to create an ArcSDE service if you want to use one.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: tariqchpk75

Thanks for the very prompt reply.

That is true regarding creation of sde service that will come in the later steps.

Please refer to your earlier recommended document regarding "Installing Oracle and ArcSDE on separate servers" at

It works fine till step 4 and the confusion arises at step 5 which is

# Configure the Oracle database, adding an sde user and Setting variables for the sde OS user on Linux or UNIX if necessary.

moreover this step is for LINUX/UNIX OS whereas I have windows 2008 Server.

As I am unable to create sde table space and sde user through post installation wizard, so my question is how to do that? I have tried to use
sdesetup -o install -d Oracle11g
command but remained unsuccessful with output screen as in diagram1.

my Oracle DB net service name is gis1 and password for all the user accounts i.e. sys, system etc is 1234. and from the command prompt I can successfully connect to my remote DB (as in the diagram2) and execute all SQL commands including DRL, DML, DDL and even commands for oracle management that is creation of tablespace/users and granting/revoking roles and permissions etc.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
The process for creating tablespaces and users in Oracle on a Windows host is identical
to that on a Unix host (the only difference is the presence of a drive letter and direction
of slashes in the file name). I don't ever use the post-installer. I suggest reading the
entire New Installations section of the install guide, and if you're still having difficulty,
contacting Tech Support for assistance.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: gssathia

You could create SDE user manualy from your ArcSDE server if you have the tablespaces ready in your oracle machine using the simple create user command via system user. Even if you do not have the tablespaces ready, you can create the tablespaces manually, from SDE server too.

Creating SDE User & Tablespaces in the Oracle server via post installation execution in SDE server would not work for obvious reasons.

Once you are done with these steps you can create your SDE service from your remote server.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: tariqchpk75

As I have remote DB and wanted to create SDE service so I followed various steps given in the help at

esri_sde service is visible in Windows services and if i try to start it manually it starts and then stops without completion of process.

and if try to start it with sde command "sdemon"
the message is unregistered  service despite the fact I have successfully created and registered the service, plz see the attached file.

Can any one help me to get out of this?
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