Hi Don,There a few tables that you can check to see if there are any locks placed on a feature class. These are:sde.SDE_state_lockssde.SDE_object_lockssde.SDE_layer_lockssde.SDE_table_locksI would first check with the sde.SDE_table_locks table to see if there is a lock there. You can run the following query first:select registration_id from sde.SDE_table_registry where table_name = 'AIRPORTS'
Replace 'AIRPORTS' with the feature class name. Take the returned value (i.e. 235) from this query and then execute:select sde_id from sde.SDE_table_locks where registration_id = 235
You can then check the other tables with the value returned (i.e. 5256) from this query to see if there are any additional locks. Ex:
select * from sde.SDE_state_locks where sde_id = 5256
select * from sde.SDE_object_locks where sde_id = 5256
select * from sde.SDE_layer_locks where sde_id = 5256
You can determine the user that is creating the lock(s) by querying the sde.SDE_process_information table. Ex:select * from sde.SDE_process_information where sde_id = 5256