I have a cluster of survey points, contains Z values, want to reduce point density randomly in marked Areas as highlighted in following snapshot. is there a way to reduce these points. I want to keep original points instead of interpolating the points.
Kindly review the snapshot and provide solution. I am using ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Advance. And don't have Maritime Bathymetry extension.
The only thing that I can see is http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/tools/cartography-toolbox/aggregate-points.htm
but the point aggregation produces a polygon file, which I suspect you don't want
Thank You! Dan, it resolved my problem. I created polygon using aggregate distance of 25 Meter then converted polygon vertexes into point feature class again.
But I am looking for some customized solution using nearest distance. an idea of developing python script would be helpful.
There are 3 variants of 'Near' that don't require an advanced license in my Point Tools