I created a python script to recreate existing replicas (or create new ones) using geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Pro and I thought I would share to the community. This script will not run in ArcMap since the "UnregisterReplica_management" tool is new to ArcGIS Pro. This is very useful after you add new feature classes to a parent replica feature dataset.
#title :RecreateReplica.py
#description :Creates new replicas or recreates existing replicas using geoprocessing tools available in ArcGIS Pro 3
#description :The script is setup to work with enterprise geodatabases in SQL Server
#description :Works for "SIMPLE", "One Way Replicas" only and is configured to operate at the individual feature dataset level
#description :The data in the child geodatabase needs to be free of schema locks (putting the SQL database in Restricted user mode before running the script will remove schema locks)
#author :Bill Myers
#last_update :11/15/2022
#notes :Runs in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2
#python_version :3
import sys, arcpy
runPath = sys.path[0]
dataSchema = "GIS"
dataName = "Boundaries" #Feature dataset and replica base name.
parentGDB = "SdeDev"
childGDB = "SdeTemp"
#Feature datasets
parentFDName = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(parentGDB, dataSchema.upper(), dataName) #"SdeDev.GIS.Boundaries"
childFDName = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(childGDB, dataSchema.upper(), dataName) #"SdeTemp.GIS.Boundaries"
#SDE connection file (should be already setup in ArcGIS Pro)
parentGDBConn = "{0}\\cosgissql_{1}_{2}.sde".format(runPath, parentGDB, dataSchema) #"cosgissql_SdeDev_GIS.sde"
childGDBConn = "{0}\\cosgissql_{1}_{2}.sde".format(runPath, childGDB, dataSchema) #"cosgissql_SdeTemp_GIS.sde"
replicaName = "Replica_{0}_{1}".format(dataSchema, dataName) #"Replica_GIS_Boundaries"
replicaNameFull = "{0}.{1}".format(dataSchema.upper(), replicaName) #"GIS.Replica_GIS_Boundaries"
parentReplicaExists = True
childReplicaExists = True
parentReplicaDatasets = []
childReplicaDatasets = []
childReplicaTables = []
#Replica params
expand = "DO_NOT_ADD"
getRelated = "DO_NOT_GET_RELATED"
#expand = "ALL_ROWS"
#getRelated = "GET_RELATED"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.workspace = childGDBConn
def replicaExists(gdb, name):
exists = False
for replica in arcpy.da.ListReplicas(gdb):
if replica.name.upper() == name.upper():
exists = True
return exists
#Find if replicas exist
childReplicaExists = replicaExists(childGDBConn, replicaNameFull)
parentReplicaExists = replicaExists(parentGDBConn, replicaNameFull)
#Get parent datasets to replicate
arcpy.env.workspace = parentGDBConn + "\\" + parentFDName
fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fcs:
fullPath = parentGDBConn + "\\" + fc
if childReplicaExists and parentReplicaExists:
arcpy.AddMessage("Removing existsing replicas: " + replicaNameFull)
#Get child replica datasets
for replica in arcpy.da.ListReplicas(childGDBConn):
if replica.name == replicaNameFull:
childReplicaDatasets = replica.datasets
#get child tables
for dataset in childReplicaDatasets:
desc = arcpy.Describe(childGDBConn + "\\" + dataset)
if hasattr(desc, "dataType") and desc.dataType == "Table":
childReplicaTables.append(childGDBConn + "\\" + dataset)
#reset params to handle related tables
if len(childReplicaTables) > 0:
expand = "ALL_ROWS"
getRelated = "GET_RELATED"
arcpy.AddMessage("...Unregistering Replica")
arcpy.UnregisterReplica_management(parentGDBConn, replicaNameFull)
arcpy.UnregisterReplica_management(childGDBConn, replicaNameFull)
#Delete child tables
if len(childReplicaTables) > 0:
arcpy.AddMessage("...Deleting child tables")
#Delete child feature dataset
arcpy.AddMessage("...Deleting child feature dataset")
dataPath = childGDBConn + "\\" + childFDName
#Create Replica
arcpy.AddMessage("Creating Replica: " + replicaNameFull)
arcpy.management.CreateReplica(parentReplicaDatasets, "ONE_WAY_REPLICA", childGDBConn, replicaName, "SIMPLE", "PARENT_DATA_SENDER", expand, "DO_NOT_REUSE", getRelated)