I just upgraded to ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.2 and I am connecting to an older SDE connection our organization uses. I cannot any type of Raster image I keep getting an error message stating "Invalid raster dataset. Failed to create raster layer."
I don't believe the raster set to be invalid as I was just using it this morning with version 10.1. Any solution/tips would be appreciated!
What version of SDE are you attempting connection to? You could be running into compatibility issues. Refer to this http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/#/Client_and_geodatabase_compatibility/003n00000008000...
I think you will get the answer in the below thread:
Desktop 10.2.x can't use Rasterdata in SDE 10.1
Some quick points to check:
Instead of connecting to an older SDE connection, try creating a new connection in ArcCatalog 10.2.2 using the same connection properties from the old connection.