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Raster to polygon causes ArcMap to crash with no error message

07-15-2012 06:08 PM
New Contributor
Hi all,

I'm having an issue converting a raster to a polygon using Raster to Polygon. The raster was initially broken off from a larger dataset using the Split Raster tool and the other tiles created using that tool were all able to convert successfully; they're all roughly the same size, same projection and being run on the same machine. It's ArcGIS 10 on a 64-bit Windows 7 setup with 4GB of RAM, with service pack 4; it's an integer raster. I tried running on three other machines with no luck and also tried converting to an ESRI GRID from a TIFF. Any help is appreciated.
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
Have you tried uncheckking the "Simplify polygons" option ?

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