Raster Export/Display Error & Mosaicking processing time

06-14-2012 08:40 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: giraffeking

Hi All,

I've been having trouble with my raster imagery.  I have 7 high quality orthophotos that I'm using, and while I want to Mosaic them, It wouldn't be absolutely necessary if when I exported my maps to .pdf's there weren't cut-off issues.  I've attached an image - I get cut-offs when viewing in layout space on Arc10, but even when I reposition the map so that I can see everything properly when i go to export there is still cut-off.  I've also tried mosaicking and just to put 2 jpeg2000s together takes me about 13 minutes.  I know this is partially due to having an older machine but when I tried to put all 7 together I let it run for 2 hours and it never completed. I suppose I can add one at a time but I also have an issue with display when those 2 images are mosaicked. Not a big issue and I can fix it with image processing, but I'm curious why it seems as if the exposure increases once they are mosaicked. I've attached a screen-shot of the difference (lighter is Mosaic)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jbswain

What it looks like you are running into is a known bug NIM059155.  The workaround would be to create a mosaic dataset. Since you said you attempted to mosaick the rasters together, that would be a better alternative since the rasters are rather large.
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Occasional Contributor III
The "exposure increases" issue is probably due to statistics being calculated when you mosaicked the images.  In ArcMap, right click on the raster and select Properties > Symbology, and see if the raster has any Stretch applied.  It is probably set to Standard Deviations, so change it to None, and the image you mosaicked should look the same as the original.

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